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आंतरिक सुविधाएं
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- अच्छी तरह से विकसित सुविधाएं
- स्विमिंग पूल
- पूल के साथ सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र
The tree-shaped island with luxury hotels, tall buildings and luxurious restaurants deservedly attracts the attention of investors. From the embankment, you can enjoy a view of the Dubai coastline and the Burj Al Arab Hotel. The first and most compact of all (and there are three) man-made islands that make up the shape of a Palm Tree.
"The eighth wonder of the world", built by human hands and visible even from space.
Payment plan
2 506 000 AED - 5 554 000 AEDपूरा करने की तिथि I त्रिमास, 2017 (पूरा हो चुका)